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The medias of comunication with the world-wide consumer : the internet as way of international advertisement (2 janvier 2006)

The biggest challenge, when considers the global performance, is the advertisement. This because diverse decisions exist that the global companies need to take when considers the international advertisement.

The companies need to know to manage the differences of necessities of each consumer making with that it if feels only. The individualized and personalized treatment configures a new form of relationship and makes possible greater satisfaction of the customer. Through the electronic marketing, this customization of the products and advertisement is possible.

The most recent forms for the direct marketing are the electronic canals. The term e-commerce describes an ample variety of electronic transactions since the use of the fax, internet and on-line services.

For backwards of the electronic businesses, two phenomena exist : digitalization and conection. The digitalization consists of converting text, data, sound and image in a flow of bits that can be sent to an incredible speed from a place to another one. The conection involves the construction of nets and express the fact of that great part of the businesses made in the world is lead in nets that connect people and companies. These nets are called “intranets” when they connect people of a company ; “extranets” when they connect a company with its suppliers and customers, and internet when they connect the users to a gigantic "information superroad".

Among the canals of e-commerce, we can cite the commercial canals and the internet.

In general way, the users of the internet are young, with considerable purchasing power, good education degree and predominantly males. But, with the growth and the popularization of the internet, this profile has changed. The women are assuming an important place as well as verify the presence of classes with minor purchasing power using the internet.

However, the e-marketing is not for any company nor for any product. The internet is useful for products and services where the purchaser search more convenience when making the order. The internet is less useful when the purchasers need information on products they need to be changed or to be examined. Exactly thus it has exceptions.

Thus, the available options for the companies in the process of taking decisions need to consider the creation of advertisement campaigns, the definition and allocation of the budget, the selection of the media vehicles that will lead the campaign, the choice of the agencies of advertisements, the coordination of the inter-borders advertisement programs, when considers the international marketing.

The companies can put announcements on-line in three ways : announcements classified in special sections offered by great on-line commercial works ; announcements in certain groups of discutions (foruns) on the internet, that are created for commercial uses, and paid on-line announcements, that they appear while the subscribers are sailing on web sites or on-line services. Among the used announcements in the internet are banners, the pop-up windows, tickers (that move itself on the screen) and the road blockades (announcements of an entire page where the users must click to go to other screens).

The planners of international media have to surpass diverse problems. The scene varies drastically among countries, even though in regions inside of the proper country. Exist differences to be exist considered, as media infrastructure in availability terms, accessibility, costs and habits.

On this form, when planning an international marketing, it becomes essential to develop a plan of global advertisement that considers all the participants, are they regional or local matrix and branch offices, and also the advertisement agencies. The necessity justifies due to the possible frustrations that can elapse from this process. In opposition, the reward potentials that can elapse from this process, can represent greater participation of market and improve in the profits, what it only can be proportionate by an excellent international advertisement strategy, based in its perfect execution.

Considering the message strategy, the standardization and the adaptation are in constant confrontation, what has demand a debate incited in the advertisement circles. About the standardization advantages, it can be detached : economy of scale, consistent image, segments of global consumers and creative talent.

Some boardings for the creation of advertisement texts exist, that can consider the advertisement of exportation, the advertisement of archetype and the concept of cooperative advertisement.

It exists an increasing commercialization and deregulation of the mass media, the change of the radio, newspaper and magazine advertisements for television advertisement, the ascension of global media, the increasing importance of the tools of multimedia in the advertisement, the improved supervision and the improvement in the scale of the index of TV hearing. Some available forms of communication can be detached : the sales promotions, commercial sponsorships of events and fairs.

An important development is considered the sprouting of new vehicles of media, what also includes the internet. The impossibility to foresee with exactness what really will happen, is in such a way evident that the international advertising executives will work in a completely different world in next the 10 years.

Marcos Ferasso